Dialogues with the Devil

Caldwell ( Taylor Caldwell )
Fiction  [ Browse Items ]
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To the Infernal of infernals, to the Fallen One, to the Majesty of ten million hells, to the Dark Shadow, to the Adversary of all that lives, to the Evil of evils, to Lucifer - to the Devil himself . . .

The Devil? Yes: for Taylor Caldwell's latest book is nothing less than a colloquy with the Prince of Darkness - a sequence of tart, ironic, deadly serious dialogues between the Archangel Michael and the Mover of the underworld.

In Dialogues with the Devil, Taylor Caldwell makes a startling departure from her customary fiction and joiins the great tradition of The Screwtape Letters and Heavenly Discourse. Casting a backward glance at Dante as well as C.S. Lewis, Miss Caldwell undertakes to illuminate some of the central truths of man's existence by means of a richly imaginary exchange of letters - epistles barbed with arguments, parries, mutual insults and lofty debate. Lucifer brazenly proclaims subtle means of corrupting and destroying mankind, while Michael quietly demonstrates the ways in which God uses Satan's own ponderous, vicious, and overly ambitious weight to topple him flat.

Ranging from across the entire universe - from Terra the fair to planets yet unknown - Miss Caldwell brings her readers to the brink of all-too-believeable Apocalypse: for in the sombre, solemn, yet grimy witty contest staged in Dialogues with the Devil Miss Caldwell dramatizes some of the most crucial, universal issues in the world today.

Taylor Caldwell's novels are known throughout the world. Her long and celebrated career began in the 1930's with Dynasty of Death; continued with such best-sellers as This Side of Innocence and Dear and Glorious Physician; and reached a new peak of popularity with her recent book A Pillar of Iron and The Listener. Miss Caldwell was born in Manchester, England and has lived for years in Buffalo, New York.

Taken from the inside flaps. 
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