God Speaks at Garabandal: The Message of Garabandal with a Summary and Picture Story of the Apparitions

Pelletier ( Joseph A. )
Apparitions of Our Lady  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
Assumption Publication, United States 
Father Joseph A Pelletier received a Baccalaureate and Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Institute Angelicum (Rome) in 1937. He then returned to his alma mater, Assumption College, Worcester, Massachusetts, where he taught social sciences and religion for ten years. A Master's degree in Sociology was obtained from Boston College in 1947. For the past twenty years he has served on the administrative staff of Assumption College.

His avocation as a writer began with his book The Sun Danced at Fatima published in 1951. An immediate success, the book went through five printings (35,000 copies) in a year-and-a-half and was translated into French. It was followed in 1954 by Fatima Hope of the World. These books gained for Father Pelletier a world-wide reputation as an authority on Fatima.

Father Pelletier continued his apostolate of the word through frequent lectures and religious articles in American and Canadian Catholic monthlies.

He is now dedicating his pen to the appearances of Our Lady and the other extraordinary phenomena that occurred over a four-and-a-half year span (June 1961 to February 1966) at the Spanish mountain village of San Sebastian de Garabandal. His works on this subject are characterized by the same scholarly approach - painstaking research and scrupulous reliance on authentic documents - and by the same easy, limpid style that marked his books on Fatima and his other writings.

His introductory piece, an illustrated flyer entitled The Apparitions of Our Lady at Garabandal, has already been highly acclaimed. The present pamphlet Garabandal Prayer and the Rosary was quickly followed by a first book dealing principally with the message and entitled God Speaks at Garabandal. A second book Our Lady Comes to Garabandal, stressed the story of the apparitions, is expected to appear late in 1970.

Taken from the back cover. 
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