The Living Word Series The Temple of Yahweh

Lignee ( Hubert Lignee, C.M. )
Bible - Old Testament  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
Helicon Press, United States 
Series Name
Gerard S. Sloyan, chairman of the Religious Education Department at the Catholic University of America, is General Editor of The Living Word Series. Author of Christ the Lord and To Hear the Word of God and editor of Shaping the Christian Message and Modern Catechetics, Father Sloyan is recognized here and abroad as a leader of the catechetical renewal in the United States.

The Living Word Series - a new concept in biblical theology - introduces the reader to the fundamental and recurring themes of Scripture. Each volume is written by a leading scripture scholar who traces a particular theme throughout both the Old and the New Testaments. Easy to read and rich in content, the series is designed to serve both students and general readers as a guide to greater understanding of the biblical books themselves.

The story of salvation is the story of God's presence among men. For the ancient Israelites, the supreme sign of his presence was the temple. We follow its development from the crude desert sanctuaries of the patriarchs and the Holy Tent of the people's early nomadic days. But the great temple was the temple built by Solomon in the city of Jerusalem. The destruction of this temple was a severe crisis for the people, and when they returned from their land after the exile, the first task they set for themselves was to rebuild it. To them the temple was the center not only of Judaism but of the world. But their growing realization that Yahweh's community itself is his spiritual sanctuary prepared the way for the message of Jesus. The story of the house of God is continued in The Living Temple.

Taken from the back cover. 
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