The Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism The Origins of Christian Philosophy

Tresmontant ( Claude Tresmontant )
Philosophy  [ Browse Items ]
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Historians often give little mention to Christian philosophy throughout the first five centuries of the Church, and tend to equate the values of the Fathers of the Church with those of the pagan thinkers. However, Justin, Iraneus, Clement of Alexandria, Augustine, and many others were explicitly aware of an independent, original Christian metaphysic.

Most of the works of the early Fathers were written to refute the teachings of the pagan philosophers. However, the finest distinctions of Christian philosophy were not made until argument began among those in the Church.

Origen, one of the most prolific and influential of the early Christain writers, has himself never been condemned by the Church, but his book, De Principiis, in which he employed some metaphysical theories resembling those of Plotinus, father the Origenist myth. The controversy stirred by the error of Origen and the subsequent teachings of the Fathers were evidence that early Christian thought had already begun to prefigure the work of later philosophers such as Thomas Aquinas.

In this volume, Claude Tresmontant with striking clarity denies the contention that all religion is purely a perpetuation of myth and firmly establishes the sources from which the philosophy of Christianity was derived.

Born in 1925, Claude Tresmontant studied the natural sciences, philosphy and biblical exegesis in Paris. He has written many books, several of which have been translated into English, including St. Paul and the Mystery of Christ, Towards the Knowledge of God, and A Study of Hebrew Thought. Presently, he is with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.

The Origins of Christian Philosophy was tranlated from the French by Mark Pontifex, OSB.

This is Volume 11 under section I: Knowledge and Faith.

Taken from the inside flaps. 
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