The Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism Is There a Christian Philosophy?

Nedoncelle ( Maurice Nedoncelle )
Philosophy  [ Browse Items ]
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Are Christianity and philosophy intellectually incompatible? Does philosophical inquiry end at the border of religion, or is there a common ground between them?

In Is There a Christian Philosophy? Professor Nedoncelle has presented a broad panorama of Christian thought to show the various historical attempts to form a Christian philosophy. After examining Christian thought as philosophy, he concludes that no attempt at a Christian philosophical system has been able to achieve the level of universality of Christianity itself.

The great strivings of the patristic fathers, the Scholastics, the Renaissance humanists, the rationalists and the modern-day existential thinkers have all fallen short of the religious completeness of Christianity.

The author beleives that if the ultimate Christian philosophy has not, as yet, been expressed and verbally elucidated, this does not indicate that the search for a formulation of a Christian philosophy is futile - rather it points to a need for further effort in the seemingly boundless intellectual future.

Maurice Nedoncelle was born on October 30, 1905 in Rombaix (Nord), France. He studied at the University of Paris, the Sorbonne, and the University of Strasbourg, receiving doctorates from all three institutions. He entered the priesthood in 1930. He has teen teaching theology at the University of Strasbourg since 1945. He is the author of La Reciprocite des Consciences, La Personee Humaine et la Nature, Vers une Philosophie de l'Amour, La Philosophie Religieuse de Newman and many other books.

Translated by Illtyd Trethowan, OSB.

This is Volume 10 under section I: Knowledge and Faith.

Taken from the inside flaps. 
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