The Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism The Religion of Israel

Gelin ( Albert Gelin PSS )
Bible - Old Testament  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
"Whether wandering in the desert, tilling the soil or dispersed among the cities of the world, this people carries a secret on which it lives, a vocation which it receives and discovers, a vocation which gives spiritual unity to its history. . . . They are the people of the Covenant . . . chosen by God to be his partner and witness."

In this volume, Albert Gelin presents not only the variety and continuity of Israel's history, but shows the origins out of which its religious meaning stems, and delineates the character of a people who two thousand years before Christ as Habiru (Hebrews: "men of the sands") withdrew from fertile Mesopotamia and sought the lonely freedom of the desert.

The author examines Israel's moral code, explores the intensity of its "dialogue with God," and finds in the Psalter Israel's lyrical prayer - a major legacy to the rest of the world. "Israel," says the author, "offers us, not well-constructed theses, but the experiences it had and the discoveries it made under the guiding hand of God . . . conscious of being the repository of true religion for the whole world. The great strength of Biblical man was his faith, whence springs his activity in the world, his equilibrium and the optimism known as hope." Israel had many Biblical men. Of these, says the author, Jesus was the Biblical man par excellence . . . "in Him Biblical man reaches his full stature."

Albert Gelin was born in Amplepuis (Rhone) October 3, 1902. He received his doctorate in theology from the Catholic University of Lyons in 1928. He studied also at the Biblical Institute at Rome and received his Licence in 1931. He is a priest, was Professor at the Grand Seminaire de Lyons from 1931 to 1948, and has been on the Faculty of Theology there since 1937. He is author of many books on the Old Testament.

JR Foster, the translator, is modern languages master at Downside School, England. He has translated other volumes in this series including "What is the Bible?" by Henri Daniel-Rops. Formerly a classical scholar at Oxford, he served with the Royal Navy during World War II.

This is Volume 65 under section VI: The Word of God.

Taken from the inside flaps. 
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