Is Theology a Science

Chenu ( MD Chenu, OP )
Catholic Theology  [ Browse Items ]
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What elements of theology allow it to be considered a science? What are the parallels between theological deduction and scientific analysis?

"Theology specifically," says the author, "is a science aimed at understanding the faith." Yet this understanding is not destructive of mystery. "Theology is born, grows up and is brought to full accomplishment within the heart of mystery - not only is its subject matter the mystery of God and his historical plans, it is also the fact that its inner workings, even in their most intellectual forms are wholly penetrated with the mysterious light of faith.

The relationship between theology and faith must be carefully defined. Theology as science, far from emptying or diminishing science, far from emptying or diminishing faith, allows the believing intelligence to develop its own scientific spirit, but always "under the enduring efficacy of the infused light of faith."

"Many people regard theology," says the author, "as a tiresome concession to that spirit of curiosity which is the temptation lying in wait for reason. . . . What is there in common between the simplicity of the Gospel and the complexity of a Summa Theologica? Between the unfathomable mystery and these vague conclusions drawn from syllogisms; between the brotherhood of faith and this private world of initiates where disputation erodes the substance of communion?"

These questions, likely to be uppermost in the popular mind, receive accurate and adequate answers in this volume.

The author, MD Chenu, was born in Soisy-sur-Seine in 1895. He studied philosophy, history, and theology in Rome. A member of the Dominican order, he was a professor of religious history at the Sorbonne (1945-1952). For the last fifteen years he edited Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Theologique. M Chenu has written The Theology of the Twelfth Century, Theology as the Science of the Thirteenth Century, and many other works. He is at present living in Rouen, France.

AHN Green-Armytage, author of John Who Saw and Portrait of Saint Luke, translated Is Theology a Science? from the French.

This is Volume 2 under section I: Knowledge and Faith.

Taken from the inside flaps. 
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