The Victory of Our Lady: The Age of "One Fold and One Shepherh" is Coming

Foglein ( Stephen A Foglein, MS )
Our Lady  [ Browse Items ]
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What I have read has given me peace. For years I have been scanning headlines and searching for some clue to answer my questions and tie together the prophecies I'd heard here and there, as well as my own interior nudges. God bless you for this book. Please send copies to the following addresses. Cynthia V., Riverside, CA

I am very grateful for your book . . . God bless your every endeavor to make people aware of the purification awaiting them. Fr. Albert R, Marian Movement of Priests. St. Francis, ME

"The greatest asset of this book is that it is based on prophecies approved by the Church. This gives credibility and weight to this very interesting book." Mr. Leslie Konnyu, Catholic Hungarian's Sunday

You have written the most wonderful book. I hate to go to bed before finishing it. It is comforting to know the hope you hold out for us and that our Church will be restored. I have never been a devotee of Mary but I will make a better effort. Send books to the following addresses. Mrs. Michael R., Niles, OH

I received your book three weeks ago. Since them three of us have read it. All three of us are overjoyed by your book and now I can't wait to read The Apple of Knowledge. Helen S., Windsor, Canada

Today I finished your books. My cordial: Thank you! I wish I were a millionaire to be able to spread your books, they are much needed today. I wish other sisters would read it. Sister Miriam S., F.D.C., Akron, OH

Your book is not only interesting but fascinating. God has given you great talent and foresight. The book is ready food for the soul. Martha S., Fatima Family Movement

Taken from the back cover. 
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