My Personal Experiences With the Poor Souls

Purgatory  [ Browse Items ]
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This book by Maria Simma was not written for the satisfaction of sensational curiosity but rather for edification, to confront the reader with the fact of a purgatory and to remind him to pray for the dead. This is a special story of a unique mission.

Some people wonder whether it is really possible that deceased persons can appear to the living and why God permits such extraordinary things. Certainly it is not to satisfy curiosity! If, through the Mercy of God, such an unwonted experience occurs, it always lies in the divine plan of salvation, and the various events have to be evaluated accordingly: For us still living on earth they are meant to be of spiritual usefulness and for the departed a great consolation because they will be more speedily released from their sufferings. All these facts are to motivate us to pray and sacrifice more for the Poor Souls and not to attach ourselves so much to earthly things.

The Poor Souls themselves can do nothing to shorten their sufferings. But Jesus Christ, their divine Savior, incessantly makes intercession for them with the Father, and, through Him, also the Blessed Virgin and the other saints of heaven. We, too, through Jesus Christ, can pray and make sacrifices for the Poor Souls that they may quickly be released from their suffering.

The three states which we call heaven, purgatory, and hell, rest on the principle of eternal love. Where there is no obstacle to this love, it appears as pure light and brings perfect joy. Where some obstacle appears, this love appears as fire, of which there are two kinds. In the first case, purgatory, the obstacle is of a passive nature, a rheumatism of the soul, an illness, a feebleness. In the second case there is active resistance which dominates the soul, assents to what is evil, and rebels. Purgatory is a fire of joyous celebration; the fire of hell is one of torment. Love always enfolds us; it lies with us to choose to change it into fire or into light. From this we can understand that a very peculiar and deep mysticism inspires those person who dedicate themselves to helping the Poor Souls.

Taken from the inside flaps. 
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