Life of Christ

Jesus Christ  [ Browse Items ]
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"It was not so much that His birth cast a shadow on His life, and led to His death; it was rather that the Cross was there from the beginning, and it cast its shadow backward to his birth."

Much more than a simple retelling of the familiar incidents of Christ's life, Bishop Sheen's long-awaited Life of Christ is a dramatic and moving account of his significance as the God-Man, as a teacher, and in particular as the Savior of the world. Written with compassion and brilliant scholarship, it is without doubt Bishop Sheen's greatest work, the result of over twenty-five years of dedicated research.

"The manger and the Cross thus stand at the two extremities of the Savior's life. He accepted the manger because there was no room in the inn; He accepted the Cross because men said, 'We will not have this Man for our King.' Disowned upon entering, rejected upon leaving, He was laid in a stranger's stable at the beginning, and a stranger's grave at the end. An ox and an ass surrounded His crib at Bethlehem; two thieves were to surround His Cross on Calvary. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes bands in His birthplace, He was again laid in swaddling clothes in His tomb. . . ."

Bishop Sheen places Christ in the very center of history. He tells the story of Christ's brief but glorious life with reverence and a profound knowledge of His mission on earth. Interpreting the Scriptures with insight, he describes Christ not only in historical perspective but in exciting, contemporary terms; he sees in Christ's life striking modern parallels and timeless lessons. Here, too, the many figures of the New Testament - Joseph and Mary, the Disciples, Pilate - are brought vividly to life. Bishop Sheen studies their hearts, their conflicting emotions, and their messages with rare perception and understanding.

No one is better qualified to tell this unforgettable story. Bishop Sheen sheds new light on age-old passages, finds new meaning in often-told events. Skillfully blending philosophy, Christian history, and his own profound interpretations of the sacred Scriptures, he has written a monumental work. His book will be a revelation to many readers, a source of inspiration and guidance for all. Bishop Sheen's Life of Christ is a truly magnificent reading experience.

Taken from the inside flaps. 
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