The Apostolic Digest: Abridged Edition

Malone ( Michael )
Dogmatic Theology  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
When the Apostolic Digest initially appeared in print more than a decade ago, I considered it to rank among the most useful dogmatic reference books of this century. I believe time will prove that assessment an accurate one. Thanks to its exhaustively researched and thoroughly documented quotations, this new and enlarged edition will be a valuable addition to the library of any Christian or, for that matter, any seeker of truth.

The matter to be found on nearly every page of the Apostolic Digest will, no doubt, be controversial. To some it will be dismissed as "crackpot" and intolerant; to others it will be accepted as a challenge worthy of investigation; to still others it will offer direct, no-nonsense answers to some of the most fundamental questions they have long sought to have answered. However the Apostolic Digest may be regarded, one fact remains crystal clear: once read, it cannot be ignored.

It is impossible to recommend this work to highly. For the serious student of grace and salvation, the material contained in the Apostolic Digest is basic; for those whose office charges them with the education of minds and/or the direction of souls, it is indispensable. Rev. Fr. Dennis P Smith, Fort Worth, Texas

The Apostolic Digest has proved to be an invaluable resource in the field of catechetics. The material can be incorporated easily into any teaching situation. The Apostolic Digest also gives the individual a greater appreciation of the faith and the richness contained therein. I highly recommend this work to everyone. Rev. Fr. Richard Flores, Forth Worth, Texas

Taken from the back cover. 
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