The Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer

Church ( Alfred J Church )
Mythology  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
The Macmillan Company, United States 
"I have always felt that if you could hold the two stories to your ear, like a shell, you would hear two different sounds. The Iliad resounds with the clash of arms, the beat of horses' hoofs, the cries of men struggling in pain or exultant in victory. But the sound of the Odyssey is the sound of the sea, murmurous or thunderous, suggesting romantic voyages to distant lands," writes Clifton Fadiman in his Afterword.

Alfred J Church's beautiful prose versions of these epics have long been recognized as the ideal introduction for young readers to the world of classical literature. With this volume, every boy and girl can discover the meanings behind names that ring through all literature: Achilles and the story of his wrath against Agamemnon, Helen of Troy, Hector, and the strange places and fantastic characters Ulysses encounters during his voyage. Above all, both epics provide reading in the grand manner - the Iliad with its vivid portrayals of human nature; the Odyssey with its marvelous, almost dreamlike tales that speak to the imaginative part of all of us.

Homer, according to the Greek historian Herodotus, lived around 850BC, but others give a date as early as 12BC. Some modern scholars have doubted that the blind poet of the Iliad and the Odyssey ever existed at all. They believe that the great Homeric epics are the products of many minds and many periods of Greek history after the Trojan War.

Alfred J Church, a noted scholar, was born in England in 1829 and died in 1912. His published works total more than thirty volumes, among them The Aeneid for Boys and Girls, another Macmillan Classic.

Eugene Karlin's magazine and book illustrations have won him Certificates of Excellence for three successive years at the American Institute of Graphic Arts Exhibitions and, in 1964, the Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators. He has illustrated Marianne Moore's retelling of Charles Perrault's Puss in Boots, the Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, and the Aeneid.

Taken from the inside flaps. 
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