The Ruling Class: Inside the Imperial Congress

Felten ( Eric Felten )
Politics and Government - U.S.  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
The Heritage Foundation, United States 
Can you make any sense of this?

The rate of pay for the offices referred to under section 703(a)(2)(B) of the Ethics Reform Act of 1989 (5 U.S.C. 5318 note) shall be the rate of pay that would be payable for each such office if the provisions of section 703 (a)(2)(B) and 1101 (A)(1)(A) of such act (5 U.S.C. 5318 note and 5305) had not been enacted.

This was US Senators sneaking a $23,200-a-year-pay raise for themselves! And that was right after they loudly voted not to take a raise, with a ton of publicity!

That just scratches the surface of the dirty tricks, evasions of responsibility, legislative trickery, re-election gimmicks, scams and corruption that The Heritage Foundation's Eric Felten reveals in his astonishing new book.

Here you will see Congress from the inside as never before, learn of sleight-of-hand and skulduggery you've never imagined possible!

Yet this book also has a hopeful message. Felten shows us just how a "careerist" Congress has used its powers of office to become The Ruling Class. We learn where it has gone wrong in order to put it right.

Felten offers eleven specific, cogent Heritage Foundation reforms to restore the citizen legislature that America's Founding Fathers envisioned.

Every citizen should know the shocking facts about Congress revealed in The Ruling Class, and learn how to help clean up the mess in Washington, DC.

Taken from the back cover. 
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