Escape from Scepticism: Liberal Education as if Truth Mattered

Derrick ( Christopher Derrick )
Liberal Education  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
Sherwood Sugden & Company, United States 
"I found Escape from Scepticism a perceptive, witty and engagin account of the present troubled condition of liberal education. Derrick's book offers a disturbing indictment of today's colleges and universities, the fancied dwelling-places of wisdom, for their failure to provide young people with any reasoned defense against the prevalent scepticism of the age or any encouragement to stand against it." - Nathan M Pusey, President Emeritus, Harvard University

"Mr. Derrick is a bold man who writes charmingly." - Russell Kirk, National Review

"It may seem absurdly pretentious to compare this book with Newman's Idea of a University, but the comparison is apt . . . . Derrick has wit and a brilliant aphoristic style. Every sentence is packed with thought. His little book could well serve as a manual . . . for the reform of Catholic higher education today." - Paul H Hallett in the National Catholic Register

"Escape from Scepticism has my vote for Book of the Year!" - Ron Kennedy in the New Zealand Tablet

"This is a short book. But it is brilliant and easy to read. If you know any parents of high school or college students, recommend this book to them. If you are such a parent, read it prayerfully. And act upon it." - Professor Charles E. Rice in Faith and Reason

". . . clear, incisive, and lively . . ." - New Oxford Review

". . . the author demonstrates a remarkable capacity to present his strongly held views in the most uncompromising fashion, while sparing his reader the tone of arrogance or pontification. The book is simply brilliantly writte, in an easy style, reminiscent of that of his famous Oxford tutor [CS Lewis]." - Robert Emmet Moffit in New Guard

"The occasion for Escape from Scepticism was a visit to Thomas Aquinas College. The school is significant because it was the first tangible indication of a Catholic educational reformation. It was followed in close succession by Magdalen, Newman, and Christendom Colleges, all dedicated to a fully Catholic education. 'It works,' says Derrick of the kind of education offered by these schools, and so does his book: It works, and it makes sense." - Karl Keating in The University Bookman

Christopher Derrick was born in England in 1921 and educatede by the Benedictine monks of Douai Abbey in Berkshire, then at Magdalen College, Oxford, under the tutorship of CS Lewis. Mr. Derrick served as a RAF pilot during World War II. He was on the administrative staff of the University of London from 1953 to 1965 and has served as literary advisor to major British publication houses from 1953 to the present. He is the author of countless articles and reviews which have appeared in the London Times, the Times Literary Supplement, and (in America) Triumph magazine and The Wanderer. His books include: The Moral and Social Teaching of the Church (1964); Trimming the Ark: Catholic Attitudes and the Cult of Change (1967); Honest Love and Human Life: Is the Pope Right about Contraception? (1969); The Writing of Novels (1970); The Delicate Creation: Towards a Theology of the Environment. Joy Without a Cause, a large collection of Mr. Derrick's essays, will soon be available from Sherwood Sugden & Company. He is at present working on a new book, CS Lewis and the Church of Rome, which will be published by the same house.

Taken from the back cover. 
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