Aborting Planned Parenthood

Ruff ( Robert H Rufff )
United States - Social Conditions - 1980 -  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
New Vision Press, United States 
Late on November night, Robert Ruff managed to obtain two full years' worht of the complete medical and financial records of America's third largest Planned Parenthood affiliate. Never before has any outsider had access to Planned Parenthood's confidential internal records. This book is the story those records tell - a story of financial scandal and medical failure.

This is the book that blows away the myth that Planned Parenthood is at least doing some good. This is the book that exposes Planned Parenthood, not with rhetoric, but with cold, hard facts gleaned from Planned Parenthood's own internal records.

The Scandal of Government Funding

"In all cases, Planned Parenthood bills more services and charges more fees when taxpayers are footing the bill than when the client pays cash. . . . On average, Planned Parenthood charges 140 percent to 350 percent more to service a government client, regardless of the type of service."

The Tragedy of "Safe Sex"

"In other words, Planned Parenthood equipped 95.6 percent of its clients to use life-threatening, non-barrier birth control methods, and it persuaded 88.3 percent of its clients who used 'safe' methods to quit doing so."

The Failure of Sex Education

"The most significant effect of a contraceptive-oriented sex education course, then, is to increase teen fornication rates by 50 percent, and all sex-related problems (pregnancy, venereal disease, abortion, emotional distress, etc.) by 31 percent to 50 percent."

The Futility of Birth Control

"A fifteen-year-old girl who has sex and uses condoms has a 68 percent to 87 percent chance of getting pregnant at least once by age twenty-five, and a 29 percent to 57 percent chance of two or more pregnancies."

The Nightmare of Legal Abortion

In a Planned Parenthood employee's own words: "Dr. Leerson started the procedure without sterile gloves. . . . He literally crammed the cannula in, withdrew it upon seeing the pain she was in and gave her a block. I think his sterile procedure should be questioned."

Robert Ruff is president of Life Advocates in Houston, Texas, a pro-life and pro-family organization founded in 1974. A graduate of the University of Virginia, he is also a local banker. Robert and his wife, Ellen, have three children.

Taken from the back cover. 
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