The Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism What Is a Saint?

Douillet ( Jacques Douillet )
Catholic Saints  [ Browse Items ]
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From the earliest days of Christian literature there have been many references to "saints" and "holy persons."

St. Paul in his letters - the oldest writings of Christianity - made many such references, for to Paul the saints were all the faithful, all those newly converted persons who made up the first Christian communities.

Today the saint, as he or she has come to be understood, is essentially a man or woman of heroic virtue due to an intimate union with God.

The definition of what this holiness is, as it appears in the scriptures, is one of the many facets of sainthood which are discussed by the author in this volume. The book also contains the acta and the accounts of lives of later saints for which there is full documentation, together with a description of the Church's canonization process and the theology of the Communion of Saints.

Jacques Marie Joseph Douillet is arch-priest of Vilard de Lans (Isere) and has served as a professor and director of the college. Born in Grenoble, he was awarded a Doctorate in Theology in Rome and has spent the better part of his life as a teacher. He wrote and has participated in discussion programs on radio in France and Luxembourg and has contributed to many scholastic journals.

Donald Attwater is well known as an author, translator and lecturer. He was visiting lecturer at Notre Dame University and is best known as the editor and revisor of Butler's Lives of the Saints. A specialist on the Eastern Churches, he is the author of The Christian Churches of the East, Eastern Catholic Worship, Dictionary of Mary, Martyrs: From St. Stephen to John Tung, and has acted as editor of Modern Christian Revolutionaries and Catholic Dictionary.

This is Volume 46 under section IV: The Means of Redemption.

Taken from the inside flaps. 
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