The Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism Medicine and Morals

Marshall ( Dr. John Marshall )
Ethics  [ Browse Items ]
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The problem of morality in professional conduct is quite different for the Catholic physician as opposed to the materialistically oriented practitioner. As the author states, "Such problems as contraception, sterilization, abortion, killing the child during a difficult birth and euthanasia must appear entirely different to one who considers man only as a biological mechanism and to one who adopts the Catholic view of life."

Dr. Marshall sees morality in medicine as much more than a series of negations and limitation on action. "True medical ethics . . . are a plan for living and for professional conduct which will develop to the full the role of the doctor in the Mystical Body of Christ, and will serve to the best advantage the true interests of his patients."

The author believes that Christian morality must permeate every part of the doctor-patient relationship. He feels that when the body is being treated, the soul, which is united to it and affected by it, must be taken into consideration. He pleads for an integrated approach to the total being and not a segmented biological approach to the body alone.

Dr. John Marshall studied medicine at the University of Manchester and, after practicing psychiatry, began to specialize in neurology. He is now a reader in clinical neurology in the University of London and is head of the Academic Unit at the Institute of Neurology of that university. He is also working with the Catholic Marriage Advisory Council in England. He has contributed numerous articles to various professional journals and is the author of a medical textbook. He married in 1946 and has four children.

This is Volume 129 under section XIII: Catholicism and Science.

Taken from the inside cover. 
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