The Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism What is the Gospel?

Paupert ( Jean-Marie Paupert )
Gospels  [ Browse Items ]
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Throughout the nearly two thousand years of Church history, there have been many periods of misunderstanding and disbelief; yet, the Gospel remains one of the staunch pillars upon which the teachings of the Church are firmly established. Jean-Marie Paupert, in this volume, captures the essence of the Gospels, first by studying them in themselves - in their historical environment, and in their physical, moral, and dogmatic scope - then within their life in the Church itself.

The Gospels have remained a source of strength throughout the history of the Church. In the writings of the Fathers of the first centuries, throughout the medieval period during which the Holy Scripture was studied extensively - even during the time of the Reformation, the Gospels endured. For this reason, the historian, as well as the liturgist, has no choice but to agree with the theologian that there is not a single dogma, a single rite, or even a single Catholic thought, which does not have its origin in the Gospels.

"What then is this good news? . . . it is the proclamation of salvation. . . . A human history, until the Lord returns . . . it is life in progress . . . ," so the author writes in this study. He has created an entirely new book which deals with one of the oldest subjects in our Christian world. In doing so, he has reawakened our awareness of the power of the teachings of Christ.

Jean-Marie Paupert was born in 1927 at Chalons-sur-Marne. He received his degree in Theology at the Gregorian Univeristy in Rome and his DES in Philosophy at the Sorbonne. At present, he is the editor-in-chief of the present series, Bibliotheque Ecclesia.

His understanding of, and love for the Gospels is apparent both in his work and in his home life. His devotion to the friends of Jesus at Bethany is evidenced by the fact that his five children have been christened Mary Magdalen, Lazarus, Martha, Veronica, and Mary Salome.

What is the Gospel? was translated from the French by A Manson.

This is Volume 69 under section VI: The Word of God.

Taken from the inside flaps. 
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