The Church and Social Progress: Background Readings for Pope John's Mater et Magistra

Masse ( Benjamin L. Masse, S.J. )
Social problems  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
The Bruce Publishing Company, United States 
The Church and Social Progress is a timely, stimulating, and skillfully edited collection of essays dealing with the social principles outlined by Pope John XXIII in his encyclical, Mater et Magistra.

Edited by Father Benjamin L Masse, SJ, well-known authority on socioeconomic problems, associate editor of America, and author of the book, Justice for All, the Church and Social Progress consists of fifty-three readings taken from various periodicals and written by such experts on political, social, and economic matters as Senator Eugene McCarthy, Father George Dunne, Father Ralph Gorman, Father James Vizzard, and Daniel Moynihan.

Divided into ten parts, each introduced by a pertinent quotation from Mater et Magistra and carefully summarized by Father Masse, the essays treat such subjects as: The International Common Good, The Industrial Community, Ownership: Private and Public, The Social Apostolate, Population and Resources, Automation, Racial Discrimination, Soviet Policy Today, and the significance of John XXIII.

For anyone desiring a better understanding of the dynamic and often complex role of the Church in the modern world, Father Masse's book should be required reading.

Reviewers' comments on Father Masse's book Justice for All:

Father Masse "has done his homework well, and there are no issues of importance that he misses. They are all here, dealt with precisely and concretely . . . the right to property and its use, the living wage, the role of government in economic life . . . etc." - The Sign

"This is a stimulating book, representative of a current of thought that aims to incorporate ethical considerations in any study of social and economic relations." - International Labour Review

" . . . characterized throughout by a happy combination of solid learning and an exceptionally lucid and pungent literary style. . . . I am pleased to recommend it very highly." - Most Rev. Patrick A O'Boyle, Archbishop of Washington

Taken from the inside flaps.

Benjamin L Masse, SJ, teacher, writer, lecturer, Associate editor of America, was educated at Marquette, Fordham, and St. Louis Universities. He was at one time professor of Industrial Ethics at Xavier School of Industrial Relations and Executive director of The Catholic Mind. His previous book, Justice for All, dealing with problems involving economic justice, was born of his deep interest in social problems which dates back to the Great Depression of the 1930's. More recently he has become interested in an ecumenical approach to social problems and has taught and lectured many groups of Protestant leaders on Catholic social teaching.

Taken from the back cover. 
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