Beyond politics: A meta-historical view

Catholic Church  [ Browse Items ]
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... "Because the democratic process operates apart from the Church, it possesses no corrective against corrupted human nature beyond its own equally corrupt judiciary, which ends by judging not only points of law but morality itself."

... "There is no mention of the family in the U.S. Constitution, nor in any others patterned on its principles, and that in itself is ominous. With the onset of democracy, the family's juridical standing disappeared, along with that of God and His Church. Nor is there any mention of marriage, upon which the family rests as a social institution above all others. From the moment all men were declared equal, the family was legally replaced by the individual as basic cell and archetype of society. In other words, family rights simply disappeared into "the Rights of Man."

... "With family structures politically inoperative, the principle of subsidiarity gradually eroded in the face of ravenous centralization. The meditation which the household normally provided between the citizen and his government was effectively terminated, leaving him to face it on his own. Even history and tradition began losing continuity, for the family supplies the same all-important link between the generations that it supplies between individuals and collectives."

"What the Constitution succeeded in separating was not church and state, but the Church and the State. There is only one Church in the world, and that is the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church fou8nded by the Son of God, just as there is only one world-pervading satanic state that opposes her on principle, namely, the First Beast of the Apocalypse. History is witness to the fact that every possible connection between them had to be severed before it could set the Second Beast to walking unaided amongst us on its own wobbly legs."

In a radio broadcast in 1949 Pius XII said, "Counterfeiting God's designs in social matters has taken place at the very root, by deforming the divine image of man.

For his true figure as a creature with an origin and destiny in God, has been substituted the false portrait of a man autonomous in conscience, uncontrolled master of himself, irresponsible towards his neighbor and the social group, with no destiny beyond the earth, with no purpose beyond enjoying finite goods, with no law beyond the 'fait accompli' and the undisciplined satisfaction of his desires."

"Solange Hertz . . . Characteristically magnificent!"

Taken from the back cover. 
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